Donating to the Library Collection

A donor may give books which are in good condition to the Library.  The Library reserves the right to accept, decline, discard, or sell through the Friends of the Library any donations. 

All donated materials will be reviewed by staff for possible placement in the collection based on the guidelines established in the Stillwater Public Library Collection Development Policy.  Materials chosen for the collection will take approximately six weeks to process and are generally not listed in the Stillwater NewsPress as donations. 

Materials not chosen for placement in the collection will be sent to the Friends of the Library unless the donor requests, in advance, the return of materials.  A donor requesting the return of any item needs to complete a Donation Review Form.  Completed review forms should be forwarded to the Business Office along with the item(s) to be donated.  The item(s) will be reviewed by staff and the donor will be notified of the decision to add or return the materials.

For any donor requesting a receipt, a receipt letter will be provided stating the number of items donated.  The Library will not provide an appraisal for any unsolicited donations.  Donations may be deductible for income tax purposes.  Please consult your tax advisor.