Book Clubs & Book Club Services

The library is committed to providing book discussion opportunities to the public.  Book clubs introduce readers to books they might not otherwise read.  Through reflection and discussion, book clubs give readers a deeper meaning to what they read.  Most of all, book clubs bring people together to celebrate reading!

The library supports book discussion opportunities in two ways:

  • Providing resources and space for community clubs
  • Providing librarian led book clubs


Payne County book clubs are invited to register as a club with our library.  By registering, your club will be eligible to check out our book club kits.  Learn more about our book club kit loan process.

We also offer Room 138 to book clubs that would like to meet in the library.  To reserve the room, please contact the Meeting Room Coordinator at 405-372-3633 x 8103.


The library currently hosts four clubs.  Each club is limited to 10 people to give everyone a chance to participate in the discussion and because the kits we use have only ten copies each.  Each of the clubs reads books off the library's book club kit list which includes both fiction and non-fiction. 

Join the Waiting List

Periodically, we have openings in one of the clubs.  To get on the book club wait list, please email AskaLibrarian and specify which days and times you are able to meet.

Fall Walking Book Club (Meets the first Thursday of the month September through December, 2023 at 10:30AM)

Walk and talk about books this fall with Lisa. We will meet the first Thursday of the month September through December. Join us to discuss Caste, Clap When You Land, The Aviator's Wife and My Sister, the Serial Killer. We will walk, talk and enjoy Couch Park. Walking book club is led by Lisa.

Second Friday Book Club (2nd Friday at Noon)

This is the oldest existing book club at the Stillwater Public Library dating back to 2006. It meets on the second Friday of each month at noon and is led by Stacy Delano.

The Second Friday Book Club is currently full and is not taking new members at this time.

Four Star Book Club (3rd Friday at Noon)

This club, which meets the Third Friday of each month at noon, has been in existence since 2007.  The Four Star Book Club is led by  Danielle Shreve

The Four Star Book Club often takes new members. Email Danielle Shreve for information.

Ms. Red's Book Club (3rd Thursday at 11:30 AM)

Ms. Red's Book Club, meets at 11:30 am on the third Thursday of the month. Ms. Red's Book Club is led by Lisa O'Donnell.

Ms. Red's Book Club is currently full and not accepting new members.